Marseilles. Is the divorce finalized between the agents of the MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations) and its president? This was suggested by the publication on December 8, 2023 of an open letter addressed to Pierre-Olivier Costa. Vacancies, suffering at work, short-term management…: the dysfunctions “old, but also very recent” listed by the staff representatives of the SUD-Solidaires union following a collection survey among employees were numerous.
“We are not in conflict, but in dialogue,” However, assures the former chief of staff of Brigitte Macron, who arrived at the head of the Marseille establishment in November 2022. After a tense exchange on the very day of the publication of the letter, the stakeholders indeed had the opportunity to return to its content during the social administration committee (CSA) on December 21. “We were told orally, in an official forum, that there would be responses to our demands, say staff representatives. We are waiting to see if the announcements will be followed up. »
The arrival on December 1 of Véronique Haché to the position – vacant for months – of general administrator has a lot to do with this appeasement. “She seems to understand the problem and she made a rather good impression on the teams, note the staff representatives. She plans to meet with us every week. » It must be said that expectations are particularly high in terms of human resources. Among the structural difficulties of the museum in this area, a lack of staff forcing them to resort to precarious employment. “The MuCEM is understaffed, explains Pierre-Olivier Costa. I am in discussions with the ministry to give us some breathing room. Many agents have had salary situations stuck for years. We must also facilitate mobility within the museum. We will be very vigilant to ensure that each position that becomes available is replaced where it will be most useful. » Likewise, as of January 1, 2024, five senior positions are vacant. Notably missing are a scientific director, a communications director and a computer networks director.
Management deemed “sometimes toxic”
According to staff representatives, a clarification of the organization chart is also planned. In fact, the letter of December 8 mentioned management “exercised outside the legal framework by two advisor-service providers”, in defiance of the traditional hierarchical chain. Commissioned to organize the celebration, from June 2023 to June 2024, of the 10th anniversary of MuCEM, Françoise Pams particularly seems to crystallize the grievances: the management of this retired communications professional is judged “sometimes toxic”. However, Pierre-Olivier Costa defends his choice: “I know that the anniversary generated a lot of work, but Françoise Pams was invaluable and decisive in moving forward thanks to her skills and her network. » Contacted by the Arts Journalthe advisor did not wish to react.
The dialogue initiated during the CSA also leaves many questions unanswered. The letter addressed to Pierre-Olivier Costa pointed out in particular “an undermining of the scientific project” of the Marseille establishment. Since his arrival, the president has been emphasizing in the press his desire to broaden audiences, even if it means giving the impression that nothing was done in this area before his arrival. “The MuCEM has a visitor sociology close to that of a Parisian establishmenthe explains to us. I thought that our collections had the potential to interest audiences who never go to the museum. In parallel with the celebration of the 10th anniversary, we therefore launched the project of a permanent exhibition of the collections. » Built in less than a year and inaugurated in mid-December under the title “Popular? The treasures of the Mucem collections”, this revealed profound divergences as to how to work towards a common desire for cultural democratization. “We have the feeling of an opposition between scientific content and emotional approach, confirm the staff representatives. However, the absence of content is the complete opposite of what a cultural establishment should produce: it will not attract more people. »