After three months of strike, is this the end of social mobilization at the Center Pompidou? In any case, this is what the new Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, announces: “As soon as I arrived at the Ministry of Culture, I wanted to put an end to this stuck situation”, she says in a triumphant press release. At the beginning of the afternoon, the management of the Center also announced to its agents the “end of social conflict » in an internal communication, accompanied by the memorandum of understanding.
On the latter, however, three initials remain empty: that of the CGT-Culture, the UNSA-Culture as well as SUD-Culture Solidaires. Only the CFDT-Culture and the SPCP-FO signed the document proposed in the morning by management: “The other trade union organizations may decide to in turn sign the agreement in the coming days”mentions the management press release.
This unexpected signing comes after a week of unsuccessful negotiations. Certain formulations appearing in the protocol signed this morning were therefore to be the subject of feedback from management at the start of the week, at the request of the inter-union. Thus, the requirement of non-outsourcing of the agents concerned has a vaguely defined exception in this agreement (“except marginally”), for which the union organizations requested a more precise reformulation on January 23.
“While I am the signatory of the strike notice, I have never been invited to sign anything. No mail, no email, even in spam – I checked », says Nathalie Ramos, secretary of the CGT-Museums and Domaine. The union deplores today that the signing of the protocol was not decided at the general assembly. “Nothing says that we will not sign, it is not a refusal, adds Nathalie Ramos. We just weren’t invited. » A general meeting of striking staff is still on the agenda for Thursday February 1st.