The National Gallery of Art in Washington puts an end to its "Diversity, equity, inclusion" program

The National Gallery of Art (NGA) in Washington, DC, announced the end of its program “Diversity, equity, inclusion” (Dei), following a decree by President Donald Trump entitled “Putting an end to radical government programs and useless dei and the granting of preferences ”, in which he qualifies these programs as “Illegal and immoral discrimination”and requires that the agencies and federal departments end it in the next 60 days. The 47th president also demanded the closure of all the offices responsible for promoting diversity and dismissing civil servants who work there.

Created in 1937 by the Congress, the National Gallery of Art receives most of its federal government funds. She must have “Close your home and inclusion office and deleted the corresponding terms of your website”said a spokesperson for Times. The words “diversity, equity, access and inclusion” were replaced by the expression “a welcoming and accessible place”.

The program to promote diversity and fight against gender-based discrimination or sexual orientation had been set up under the Biden administration (2021-2025). The National Gallery of Art then undertook to remedy the lack of diversity within its management and its staff, and had spent nearly $ 820,000 to put “The emphasis on diversity, equity, access and inclusion throughout our work in order to diversify the stories that we are racing, the way in which we tell them and our staff”.

This program notably led to the appointment of Kanitra Fletcher, the first African-American conservative of the institution, and Darren Walker, first African-American at the head of the board of directors, in 2024. It also gave rise to exhibitions Presenting more artists from under-represented groups due to their ethnicity, their sexual orientation or their gender identity.

The National Gallery of Art from Washington DC is one of the most visited museums and is in 7th position behind the Musée d’Orsay. The end of the “Diversity, Equality, Integration” program is an important setback for minorities.

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