Observatorio de la Cultura 2025. Fundación Contemporánea


The Contemporary Foundation, created in 2008 by the factory with the aim of favoring the meeting, training and collaborations between culture professionals, began preparing the following year, together with the firm Crea SGR, its Observatory of Culture, destined to recognize the most outstanding activities and institutions of this sector in Spain. Their data has been based on surveys to 461 panelists who have valued up to seven hundred initiatives, between museums and art centers, theaters and auditoriums, libraries and film libraries, residences, festivals and film fairs, music, theater, dance, literature, thought, Architecture, awards or commemorations.

According to the last observatory data, recently presented at the Albéniz cinema in Malaga, Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country, the autonomous communities with a richest cultural offer are now, now followed by Andalusia, which amounts to a position. As for cities, Madrid and Barcelona are happening, in this order, Bilbao, Málaga, Valencia, Sevilla, San Sebastián, Santander, Valladolid and Zaragoza.

The national ranking of cultural institutions, of which they are part of a hundred more than a hundred, headed by Prado, Reina Sofía and Festival of San Sebastián, followed by Guggenheim and Thyssen-Bornemisza; The latter falls from third position. The Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona. CCCB is in sixth place, uploading five positions, but the most notable ascents are for Chillida Leku (64 above in the centenary of the sculptor), the Musac (49) or The Mop Foundation in A Coruña (47). Among those that are released, Manifesta 15 (40) and the new festival of the ideas of Madrid, dedicated to the philosophical discussion (44) stand out.

Last year a new category was integrated into this report, Essentialwhich distinguishes relevant proposals nationwide grouped by type of project; The most voted in their different modalities have been the Prado National Museum (museums and art centers), the CCCB (cultural centers), the Royal Theater (theaters and auditoriums), Sónar+D (Music Festivals), the Festival of Classic Theater of Almagro (Theater and Dance Festivals), the San Sebastián Film Festival (Film Festivals), Arco (Fairs and Art Festivals) and the Madrid Book Fair (Fairs and Literary Festivals). The newcomers also have their own section; The most praised of 2024 have been suburbs (Huesca), the aforementioned Festival of Ideas in Madrid, Manifesta 15 in Barcelona, ​​the Fluxu Circuit in Navarra and the reopening of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Santander. FURTHER.

As for the best of the digital culture, the Filmin platform, veteran in that LID, Caixaforum+, Prado Museum, RTVE Play, Fundación Telefónica, Sónar+D and Teatro Real; The communities with more praised projects in rural areas are Catalonia, Aragon, Castilla y León, Galicia, La Rioja, Andalucía and Extremadura and, attending to their social commitment, the initiatives most cited by the almost five hundred panelists are the Foundation “La Caixa ”, The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, the Antonino and Cinia Cerezales Foundation, the House on and the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development.

A specific section of the observatory, equally novel, wants to remember the importance of the preservation and dissemination of the historical heritage of each community, also of its natural spaces. The best -known and valued monuments or enclaves have been, region by region, the Alhambra and the Generalife (Andalusia), the monastery of San Juan de la Peña (Aragon), the Asturian pre -Romanesque, the Cathedral of Palma (Baleares), the center Historical of La Laguna (Canary Islands), Las Cuevas de Altamira (Cantabria), the Cathedral of Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha), the Cathedral of Burgos (Castilla y León), the ruins of Ampurias (Catalonia), the silk of the silk (Valencian Community), the city of Cáceres (Extremadura), the cathedral of Santiago (Galicia), the monasteries of Suso and Yuso (La Rioja), that of El Escorial (Madrid), the Roman Theater of Cartagena (Murcia), the Royal Palace of Olite (Navarra) and the Urdaibai reserve (Basque Country).

The cultural media are also added to the Observatory, in recognition of their role in disseminating all these proposals to the public. In the category of newspapers and paper magazines, the top positions are copied El País, El Cultural and Cultural ABCalso reaching important positions specialized publications such as Caiman (cinema), Scherzo (classical music), Exit (art), Artazblai either Godot (Theater) and the Diari arathe latter as a regional proposal included in this section.

On television and radio, the most mentioned is RTVE; In audiovisual and broadcasting Cultures2 (of the 2 of TVE) and Today everything begins (Radio3). The most valued digital media are Restless culture, arteinformedPrado Museum, Jot Down and Masdearte; We appreciate, one more year, the support of the panelists to our publication.

The report ends by referring, as usual, to budgets. The consulted estimate the growth forecast of their organizations in a tight 1.59%, that is, below inflation. The forecast improves for those linked to the private sector (3.13%) compared to those belonging to the public sector (0.37%) and independent professionals (1.61%).

According to the data collected, 64.8% of the culture budget comes from public funds and 19.8% of private companies and organizations, while spectators provide 15.4% of resources. This percentage varies again depending on public organizations (82.5% public money, 7.9% private and 9.6% users) or private (46.35% public, 32.9% private and 20.8% users).

The full report can be consulted in the factory portal.

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