The Senate wants to remove the High Council for Artistic and Cultural Education (HCEAC)

France. The senators examine on January 30 a text deposited in committee, more than year ago, by Nathalie Goulet aimed at“Remove 27 structures, committees and“ theo theDuile ”commissions whose usefulness does not seem proven”. Among the devices envisaged is the High Council for Artistic and Cultural Education (HCEAC), attached to the Ministry of Education.

Created in 2005, the HCEAC is a consultation and guidance body “Responsible to follow the implementation of administrative and financial measures relating to the development of artistic and cultural education”according to the education code. He is co-chaired by the Ministers of Education and Culture, led by Emmanuel Ethis, rector of the Brittany Academy and includes 30 members. In practice, he is asked to make concrete recommendations for the implementation of the 100 % EAC and to make known the most innovative EAC projects.

No HCEAC meeting since 2021

The Senate wants to delete it on the grounds that the HCEAC has not met since 2021, which attests a recent report annexed to the 2025 finance bill. It costs nothing either when in 2021 its operating budget was € 80,000. Questioned by The Arts JournalEmmanuel Ethis says he is surprised by this bill and puts the absence of meetings on the account of changes in government.

This text is not the first of its kind. Senators have been pointing for a long time: “The overabundance of these college bodies (which) has become a symptom of state dysfunction, both a source of heaviness, cost and ineffectiveness. »» Successive governments since the early 2000s are aware of this since the number of these bodies increased from 799 in 2008 to 317 today.

The Ministry of Culture has 35 after the abolition in 2024 of the advisory committee of the National Museum Fernand Léger. These instances are not as amazing as it is. Some are important cogs of the operation of the ministry and very often meet. This is the case of the Commission for the Recovery of Deposits of Art (14 meetings in 2023), the National Commission for Heritage and Architecture (28 meetings), the Artistic Council of National Museums (9 meetings ) and especially of the Higher Council of Literary and Artistic property (84 meetings). We note that the National Council of the Show professions met 21 times in 2023 when the National Council of Professions of Visual Arts has not met … only once. Will he appear in the next Senate list? In the meantime, the text of the senators must still be voted by the deputies. The HCEAC still has a little time before knowing its future.

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