Transactional agreement to terminate between the director of the Mathurin Méheut Museum and her supervisory authority

An agreement was finally signed on October 2, 2023 between the recently laid off director of the Mathurin Méheut Museum and the GIP (Public Interest Group) which manages the institution. Thierry Andrieux, who chairs it, concluded a conventional transactional break with Mylène Allano. The former director announced the information in an official press release: “the GIP (Public Interest Group), managing the Lamballe museum, chaired by Thierry Andrieux, and Mylène Allano have signed an agreement putting an end to the dispute between the two parties”. This decision puts an end to several months of conflict. A disciplinary procedure was in fact initiated against Mylène Allano last March.

When her dismissal was announced, the former curator declared to West France have never experienced any dispute with his previous museum positions. An art historian and exhibition curator working for four years in Lamballe, she expressed her surprise. She indicated to the Telegram be the subject of accusations “false and misleading”.

According to her, the termination agreement would restore the facts, while the accusations made against her were not based on any tangible proof. The layoff for events dating from January 2022, about which little is known, occurred a few days before the opening of his exhibition “Mémoires du geste”.

The museum, which reopened its doors in June 2022, experienced an initial difficulty by finding itself without a director in January 2023 after the departure of Christelle Schweitzer. The school is currently looking for a new director to fill the now vacant position left by Allano. The museum is temporarily managed by Thierry Gauvrit and Geoffroy de Longuemar, two vice-presidents of the GIP. A temporary curator has been recruited to organize the next exhibition in 2024.

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