Historical rediscovery, works of great masters and decorative arts objects from all periods populate the Maastricht Exhibition & Congress Center once again. MECC on the occasion of the celebration of TEFAF, the main European art and antiques fair and also the most prestigious, due to the rigorous authentication process to which the exhibited works are subjected, led by a very large committee of experts that covers all specialties , and for the abundant representation in its stands (corresponding to 272 exhibitors from 22 countries) of classical masters.
The 37th edition of this event takes place until March 14 and offers some new features: the launch of TEFAF Focusa section made up of galleries that dedicate their spaces to a single artist or concept, allowing us to delve deeper into them – this is a consolidated form of presentation in some contemporary art fairs – and the strengthening of the international relations of the Fair, which will carry out his first TEFAF Summit together with the Dutch commission at UNESCO, to examine the current challenges of those who ensure the conservation of cultural heritage, and will organize an exhibition in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Culture and the organization dedicated to the safeguarding of the monuments of Venice.
Among the gems that await us in Maastricht is one of the versions of The Thinker by Rodin, in bronze and dated 1903 (Bowman Sculpture); Today this piece has become a symbol of philosophical thought and human intelligence, but its author conceived it inspired by The Divine Comedy by Dante. We will also see The bronze age by the same French sculptor (David Lévy & Associés), whose plaster was acquired by the French State after being exhibited at the Paris Salon; the oil Judith with the head of Holofernes by Elisabetta Sirani (Porcini Gallery), previously unpublished; a male portrait by Frans Hals (Salomon Lilian), dated 1635, in a mock oval; a sleeping cupid by Guido Reni, dated at the same time (Fondantico di Tiziana Sassoli), signed and arranged in intense close-up; or the portrait of Antonietta Gonzales by Lavinia Fontana (Rob Smeets Gallery), recently rediscovered and dated 1592. Special mention deserves a monumental wood engraving by Titian (David Tunick), designed as a mural and executed due to its size from a dozen plates.

We will also contemplate a Greek amphora, dated around 530 BC, which contains an allegory of Hercules and presents linear incised decoration (Charles Ede); Indian and Japanese sculptures; a table top, probably from northern Italy, dated to the 16th century and decorated with Islamic-inspired motifs (Alessandra di Castro); or one of the most lavishly ornamented medieval medical documents, the Tacuinum Sanitatis of Liechtenstein (Jörn Günther Rare Books): four versions of it survive and the one that has reached Holland is the last one still in private hands.
In a more contemporary chapter, they will come to meet us Murnau mit Kirche II by Kandinsky (Landau Fine Art), a piece prior to his immersion in expressionism and inspired by the mountains that surrounded his summer home; Double image with the appearance of a Vermeer figure on the face of Abraham Lincoln, by Dalí (Mayoral Gallery); one of the spatial concepts of Lucio Fontana (Tornabuoni), born from his conviction of the need to formulate a new Vision; either Untitled (Nike) by Cy Twombly (Karsten Greve), a piece that, gestural and refined, condenses some of the American's usual techniques, such as the use of oil and pencil on paper.
On the opening days, according to the organization's data, TEFAF was visited by nearly 300 museum directors, 650 curators and 40 groups of patrons; Those who cannot do so have a complete review of the fundamental pieces among those on display on the Fair's website: this event also takes great care of its digital presentation.

TEFAF Maastricht
Forum 100
GV 6229 Maastricht
From March 9 to 14, 2024