Disappearance of Daniel Abadie

The death of Daniel Abadie was announced by the Dubuffet Foundation, of which he was a member of the board of directors. Born on July 8, 1945 in Courbevoie, he organized some of the most important retrospectives at the Center Pompidou before becoming director of the National Gallery of the Jeu de Paume.

In 1968, he founded the magazine Art et Création then joined the CNAC (National Center for Plastic Arts) the following year. He then worked on the prefiguration of the Center Georges-Pompidou, where he subsequently organized exhibitions “Paris-New York” in 1977, ” Salvador Dali “ in 1979 or even “Jackson Pollock” in 1982.

Director of the National Gallery of the Jeu de Paume from 1994 to 2004, he highlighted the works of recognized artists active in the 1950s and 1960s such as Gérard Singer (1995), Jean Dubuffet (2001) and Magritte (2003) , but also those of younger artists like Antoni Tapiès (1994) or Olivier Debré (1995). More recently, he curated the exhibition “Another eye, from Apollinaire to today” at the LAAC in Dunkirk in 2018.

Also a collector and author, Daniel Abadie has written numerous monographs on modern and contemporary artists, such as those of Zao Wou-Ki, Pierre Alechinsky and Alberto Magnelli.

In 2018, he declared to L’ŒIL: “I tell myself every day: tonight, I’ll stop. But, in reality, I am incapable of it. Fortunately, new things are always happening! » Since Sunday, it has really stopped.

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